
New York Yacht Club will Challenge for the 36th America's Cup

Team Dennis Connor
After long time away from the biggest sailing competition, the New York Yacht Club, represented by Bella Mente Quantum Racing Association, will challenge for the 36th America's Cup. The New York Yacht Club held the America's Cup trophy from 1851 to 1983 when it was lost to Australia II. 
The last time NYYC challenged for the cup was with Team Dennis Conner for the 2002-'03 America's Cup. The challenging syndicate will be led by two of the most successful American yachtsmen of the last decade: John J. "Hap" Fauth and Doug DeVos. 
The entries for the 36th America's Cup officially open on January 1st 2018 which we are also expected to see Ben Ainslie Racing (BAR) and still waiting on confirmation that there could be teams from Australia, France, Swizterland and another American challenger but time will tell if there are more challengers than the 35th America's Cup.

Source: Nigel Marple


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